My good friend Sunny put me up on this website called Mint.com. It helps you balance all of your accounts like, banking, home loans, student loans ect. Its a pretty cool site and very helping showing where your money goes when you use your debt cards or credit cards.
I am grateful for being able to really see the brighter side of things when ever possible. My house is the number one thing on my mind because a lot depends on the sale of it. I am confident things will go smooth and come out much better than I expect it to. My faith in God allows me to believe that anything is possible when God is at work and unless proven otherwise I have no reason to doubt. My first Fpu class went very well and I am even more excited to be able to call the Dave Ramsey show to say I had the opportunity. Im thankful for love and support and all the lessons that come with growing up.
What are you grateful for?
Girl, I have been Mint since it's inception and no regrets. I love that site
hey where have I been?? lol I gotta get with the program!!
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