Welcome to the first Divine & Debt Free's stupid tax edition. Today I am going to share with you one of the stupid things I did in 2009 that I wish I hadn't. Hopefully this will inspire you to A. share your stupid money stories and B. learn from other folks mistakes including my own.
So here is the story.....
It was a cold day in.....March and me and my now ex boyfriend (stupid thing A.1 lol) had been dating for several months. We had been talking about new cell phones for at least a month at the time and we thought it would be absolutely cute to do those "couple phones". Now don't go laughing at me because I know a few of you people (won't name names) who have done silly things to symbolize a mile stone in a relationship..... but I digress.....
His contract on his phone was going to be ending soon and I had a 1 year old ratty t-mobile phone that was falling apart by the second. He agreed to put me on his account (stupid thing A.2) and we would "share" the bill. So we get into the AT & T store and as soon as I walked in I saw it..... yes I had one of those moments where you see something and a beam of light shines over it like it feel straight from heaven? yea thats it. It was the newest version of the Iphone and I just had to have it. So I agreed to pay for his phone which was $50 bucks with a new 2 year contract and my phone was $200. I think I spent almost $300 dollars that day (No I wasn't budgeting for this either)
Needless to say we break up 2 weeks later (don't laugh we really did). Due to my better credit rating I was able to actually get the phone in my name so I did (stupid thing A.3). So here I am with a brand new Iphone and what seems to be a bill that keeps spiraling out of control. But did I stop there?? Hecks no, I had decided that after sooo much sacrifice (an exaggeration on my part) that I deserved this phone and I was going to keep it no matter what the cost.
Fast forward to 3 weeks ago....
after going through way to many hoops and loops with AT&T I decided to dump the phone. Turns out the only thing I was doing on it was getting in trouble at work from playing on it so much!! But thats not all, I looked at my spread sheet (cuz im a nerd) and looked at the year end total for cell phone use and it read a whopping 1,743 dollars!!! Yes you read right, almost 2,000 on a stupid cell phone(just one) !! I was so mad at myself I could have just passed out. You do realize all that money could have gone towards my debt don't cha......
Today, I am sitting here with my lil Tmobile phone with NO bells or whistles what so ever and welp I haven't croaked from boredom yet so I guess its ok. The bill is a LOT less and I still get to do what I love which is talk. I feel so bad for what I did and ever worse that I let it get out of control, but hey I said I was getting out of debt, I didn't say I was free from stupid lol.
So what are your stupid stories for 2009? Please share so I can feel better!!
This story just made me laugh... The things we do while "in love"... .LOL.... I didn't know you get rid of the iphone... People talk about me like crazy because I dont have an adult phone. I'm like I don't care. All i need to do is talk and text. That's it!!!!!!!
lol right. I got rid of it a month ago, im happy to be back to the basics. I still have the actual phone tho its just not activated and i just use it like an ipod.
made me realize i never needed it to begin with.
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