Monday, June 14, 2010

Hard Work Pays!!

After a longgggggggggg weekend of baby sitting I am finally back to the normal week. I learn a LOT of lessons from watching my friends kids from Friday-Sunday; 1. I need a bigger house to have all the kids Im thinking of having, 2. never leave the house without wetwipes, and have a stock full of bandages, and always cook at home because children like to waste food, shocking I know!

I had a fun time with the kids and I probably will try to visit with them more often now that they are out of school. Anywhoot so their mom gives me these cool postcards $20 bucks and two movie tickets to my favorite theater. She is always giving me things I do expect so the gifts were well received and will certainly help my entertainment budget of $0.

This week I am going to spend some time doing as much free stuff as possible. A co-worker invited me to some undisclosed event which means they usually want to sell stuff, but im going anyways because I heard a free gift was involved. Also I plan to spend a little time honing my couponging skills, and organizing all the pictures I printed from my cd's and camera. Eventually I am going to turn them into scrap books but one thing at a time.


Young Mogul said...

Getting money as a gift is always cool!

Everyday Tips said...

I love gift cards. I now put them directly into my purse so they are readily available to be used. In the past I put them in a folder in my filing cabinet, but then I always forgot about them.

Free stuff is great!