Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Last FPU Class!!!

Im so sad to say I don't have pictures to show, but we had a great ending. The last lesson in Financial peace university is about giving, and its the lesson that made me CRY!! I get so emotional lol.

Anywhoot my fpu class is over and its been a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GREAT journey. My students stuck it out and I have seen amazing chances in some of them (not all) which is all I could ask for. I am looking to host my next one sooner than later and hopefully I will have more students and some other people to help me with the class.

I encourage people that no matter what point in life you are at in your financial journey you should take the class. It still is hands down the best program out there for getting out of debt. My life is forever changed because of it, and im so thankful to the people who have come into my life because of it.

On to the next ONE!!


Tiffany said...

Send me the info about the class.

Peace, Love and Chocolate

Young Mogul said...

I would like to know the process to become a facilitator?


Divine and Debt Free said...

You both can email me @

find me on facebook and we can chat!

kimike clark