Its challenge time again!!! Yes I know, when have I EVER completed a challenge right?? Hey Im trying to motivate myself and some reason the word challenge motivates me so whatever works!
The Entire MONTH of June is going to be a month of transformation as I prepare to turn 28 which is a big deal, as is everything in my life because I enjoy making every bit of life about me (kidding). I am going to be working on better health better body and total make-over so to speak. In my 28th year I WILL be debt free so I just want to prepare to look as good as a DEBT free woman can look and feel!! As I was looking at my budget I realized June will be the first month that I have full paychecks to work with. Im down to 1 final debt (Student loan) and its important that I get serious and not be so whimsical with my budget to make sure Im staying on track.
So I thought it would be fun to go DEBIT CARDLESS for a WHOLEEEEEEEEEE MONTH and just use cash. This should 1. keep me from always having to balance my checkbook register, and 2. help me pay better attention to the budget, knowing I don't have access to a debit card on a whim.
I noticed that when my paycheck got deposited I had more money than I have had in a LONG time that has NO BILLS tied to it. It would be easy for me to splurge here n there knowing I only have one debt (other than my house) to pay on and I do NOT wanna go down that path. I could see myself easily saying "oh mikki everybody has student loans" but NO, I have worked way to hard to make it to the end of my debt freedom so I can't stop now!!
So after I grocery shop, and pay all my monthly expenses I am going to LITERALLY FREEZE THE DEBT CARD. You know how you always see in the movies "break glass incase of emergencies" Yes I am gonna do that to my debt card. Im excited about it and can't wait to see how accurate my spread she has been over the last 6 months.
On June 1st I am going to post my budget, allow readers to see if I am being realistic about it, and to hold me too it.
If anyone else wants to go GREEN let me know, maybe I will include a prize for the person who actually can use cash all month!!!
Hmmm...this is a GREAT challenge! I'm definitely considering it...I'll let you know once I see what issues I may have to address in the month of June.
It would be nice to take the challenge together...like two friends did at 365fashionrehab.com; except their challenge was for an entire year! A month is a breeze compared to that!
I'll get back to you with my decision...
I'm ALL in! I even convinced a girlfriend to participate too, so that we can keep each other motivated!
And, congrats on only being 1 student loan payment from total debt FREEDOM! Wow, I can only imagine what that must feel like! I will know, though, by the end of this year...I can't wait!
I will spend the better part of this weekend tying up loose financial ends, using the 'envelope cash system' for this month without a debit card.
Great!! thats cool you got your friend to do it with you too!!
I am out of town this weekend so I am going to be pushing it on monday trying to tie up my lose ends and get cash out of the bank. I can check my statement while im away and do a little planning, that way it won't be so overwhelming when I return from my trip.
Im scared but excited at the same time!!
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