A month ago, I wrote about being challenged to be a better giver for 90 days. Well I am finally here to report whats been going on in my life since I have challenged myself a bit more this new year.
1. Hosting fpu became official (My first class)
2. My Pastor gave me permission to advertise the class at church and the church staff have been amazingly helpful with this process.
3. My very good friend who owns a local news paper gave me FREE AD space for an entire month to promote my class. I may even have some live coverage of my preview class by the media which is very exciting!!
4. I have learned more about how to pray and how to stand on my faith.
5. My friends are being very good supporters of me when I really need them the most.
6. I had a car break down scare and it turned out to be nothing major.
7. When my car broke down I was just around the corner from my house so I walked right home.
8. New years eve was amazingly fun and I had some great quality time with my family over the holidays.
9. Work is going great and I am much more happy to be there and working towards getting there on time!
10. I paid cash money to get the FPU class of the ground on top of slashing my paycheck in half for paying off debt.
These are just some things that are happening in my life and I am very excited about the next 2 months. If you haven't gotten in on this giving challenge I dare you to just try it and you won't regret it!!
I am sooooo proud of you Mik.... Everything is working out for you. I am trying to be disciplined and read this daily devotional reading and yesterday's message was so powerful and encouraging. It talked about how we should ask God to do the impossible and how we should keep our mind focused on him during the "waiting process". It had some other good stuff in it too that I can't remember but I'll copy when I get home..... But I said all of this to say that you're on the right track. God knows the desires of your heart and he's making things happen for you. Things that may even seemed impossible at a point. :)
aww thank you so very murch lol.
I have been learning a LOT about prayer, and started setting aside time for prayer, and its going good!!
Okay so I got my daily devotional back out so I can give you the exact words..... It says:
I am able to do far beyond all that you ask or imagine. Come to Me with positive expectations, knowing that there is no limit to what I can accomplish. Ask My Spirit to control your mind, so that you can think great things of Me. Do not be discouraged by the fact that many of your prayers are yet unanswered. Time is a trainer, teaching you to wait upon Me, to trush Me in the dark. The more extreme your cirumstances, the more likely you are to see My Power and Glory at work in the situation. Instead of letting difficulties draw you into worrying, try to view them as setting the scene for My glorious intervention. Keep your eyes and your mind wide open to all that I am doing in your life......
The recommended bible verses are: Ephesians 3:20:21; Romans 8:6; Isaiah 40:30-31; Revelation 5:13
This message was so powerful and encouraging. Hope it touches you as it touched me..... Great things are coming for the both of us :) I feel so great about 2010.
Thank you so much 80's!! Its funny you send that to me because I have been studying this exact thing!!! Like almost word for word even!
another good one to add to your scriptures is James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trails of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.
My prayer time has been amazing, its like when you wake up eat and exercise in the morning. You feel energized and ready to face the day. Again thank you so much for sharing this, its just confirmation that I am on the right track! Love it!!
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