Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Process To Debt Freedom

I remember when I first learned about Dave Ramsey and his get out of debt plan. I can recall being so excited that I wanted to know everything about what he had to say including the good the bad and the ugly. I can recall browsing the internet one day looking for information about Dave Ramseys program being a "scam" if you will, and I came across a 4 year old thread. Today I can't recall exactly what it was about, but I remember it being about someone not liking Dave's principles. A year or two later the post had hit so many people that it was still running years after the original writer had posted it.

Over the last 2 years I have come across many skeptics and "unbelievers" as I would call them. From time to time I would wonder why they just don't get it but, I had to remember I use to be a nonbeliever myself. However now I share with people all the ups and downs of getting out of debt and all the logistics of how it works, but I have never really been able to explain the other parts of this that are guaranteed more important than becoming debt free. While Debt freedom is the biggest deal from the material perspective, there is much more to it. Let me explain:

I came to Christ - Now you must understand that I was baptized when I was 12 and received Christ at a relatively young age. But up until about a year ago my lifestyle in no shape form or fashion did not reflect being a child of God. I was reading an old blog of mine and it reminded me of my former ways and I had to give thanks to the Lord that I didn't have the same mindset. Now please understand being in financial peace itself didn't bring me to my new salvation, but a serious of events that occurred over the course of a year that lead me that direction. I honestly believe that had I not been in the program, I would not have learned what I did in that time.

It builds Character - Now I understand most of us aren't just down right heathens, but I know in my life there have been area's where I certainly could have done better. For example: I did not really respect authority as much as I do now. Every thing was an argument and I was going to win! During this process I have also learned about what it means to delay pleasure in all areas of life, and not just my finances. It has taught me that I can be committed to something and not give up just because it gets hard.

My family grew closer - The other day I was on the phone with my family. I recall my mom asking my little brother to pray and he did pray, a powerful prayer I might add. Never in a million years would I have imagined us praying together as a family unit. I now have the ability to speak good into my families life and teach them about budgeting and how to get on the same path to building wealth. We had always spent holidays together but this Christmas is going to be like no other!

I am a more mature person
- I started on this program when I was 25 and this October I will be 28 years old. Usually one might attribute my change in attitude to being older, but I beg to differ. A lot of the Dave Ramsey teachings have a lot to do with your outlook on life, where you want to go in life and how you plan to get there. I believe it takes a special kind of person to not only become debt free but change other peoples lives in the process. Those who at one point were selfish, are probably givers now. Those who started out not loving their spouse, probably now love them more than ever. I know I have come a very long way and I know I wouldn't be the same person I am today had this process not taken over 2 years.

I am thankful for everything Financial Peace has taught me. My hope is to one day be able to share this information with millions of people, because its not just about getting out of debt, its about becoming the best person God would have you to be.

What are some lessons that you have gotten from the "Best" teachers in life.

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