I will be leaving for St Louis in a day and I am super excited. Its just a mini trip but mini trips are what keeps me motivated to get debt free. While its not an all out vacation it gives me a little time to gather myself.
I have thought about a few places I would like to go once I am debt free on a REAL vacation and the closer I get the more research I will do to be able to make a final selection.
So here is my top 5 list:

Jamaica - Recently I attended a Caribbean festival and I must say the Jamaicans were the liveliest bunch of them all. I mean they can party until the cows come home! I hear its a really nice place and the people are the most friendly.

Florida - More specifically the Acqualina resort & spa in sunny isles beach Florida. I have a thing for luxury and when my pocket book finally catches up with my taste, this is exactly where I will be. I hear Miami is nice but I really don't want to be around a lot of people, I just want to relax on the beach with no real distractions.

New York - I do realize if I go to new york it won't be much of a vacation, but more like a crazy adventure. However I do want to shop and I hear its a good place to go if you want a lotta bang for your buck. I hear people are pretty mean too but im from Detroit, I should know how to get with the best of em right??? eh....

Martha's Vineyard - I dunno much about this place I just hear thats where the rich people go, and I just wanna pretend for a moment to be rich (until i really get there).
Los Angeles- This might be my number one pick, because im ALWAYS thinking about being in L.A wind in my hair top down on my rented high end car and palm trees galore. This is where you go when you are trying to make it and, when you make it. If I could pretend im the star for a moment this would be the place I would go to do it.
So those are my top 5 picks. I have a few other places I want to go later but one of these places will be my first get away from 3.5 years of sacrifice. But what are some of the places you love to vacation or want to vacation. I would love to hear!!
I looooove vacations! I think it's great you have your destinations figured out. I never know where to go!
A debt-free vacation? That sounds great! It's a good treat for you after everything you'd been through. If I were to pick, Florida looks very tempting. Anyway it's been two years, have you already visited any of these places? Jaden Allred @ TorontoBankruptcyAdvice.com
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