Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July Weekend Fab

Obviously I haven't done my budget for July yet but I promise its coming soon!! My boss let me have Friday off so that I could go enjoy the lake with my friends. We had a great time, and I think I spent $20 bucks in gas to get there and I had an oil change for $30 which was way over due. The yard sale was a big success, I made $80 bucks off the sale of only a few items, which was great because I didn't have to do much work.

I think today I will finally sit down and work out a budget and figure out my expenses. I might even do some grocery shopping.

Its very important for me to get organized this week because my over time starts at work and I want to keep things at home as stressless as possible. Im gonna clean, and organize my week so I don't become over whelmed with work.

I hope everyone had a super fab weekend see you next week!

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