Pastor Eric Thomas is one of the most dynamic motivational speakers I have ever met! He came to my church I believe it was last year for fathers day to speak and all I could say was wow. He has a link on youtube called "Thank God its Monday" and each Monday he gives an encouraging message so you can start your week off great!
This message about marriage happens to be my favorite since I am a big fan of marriage especially happy ones. I am not married yet, but one day I do hope to take on the Mrs Title. Today I am happily single but even as a single this message spoke to me not just about my future but my current state. Pastor Thomas talks about being the person you desire your spouse to be. So basically if you want to see them cook for you, then cook for them. If you want them to be romantic, YOU start being romantic first.
Marriage can be hard but I promise if you listen to this message you will begin to think differently. Check him out!
So, I just so happened to run across your blog site and was just reading your post and then I saw ERIC!!! Wow, he is so wonderful. I went to college with him... he is amazingly wonderful. Im so happy that you meet him and they he was an inspiration to you.
Im sorry, I sent that last message but my cousin was signed in and it is under his name. I am Deon of KDRS blog. Check us out.
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