1 Corinthians 13:11 (NIV)
Its been two years since I started on the path to debt freedom. In those two years I have improved my attitude about life and money. Learned how to set goals and stick to them. Increased my faith and awareness of my spirituality, and educated myself on building relationships. All in all its been a wonderful experience even in the hard times. However I would be lying if I said I have come full circle when it comes to personal growth.
People always say you continue to learn even as you get older, which I do believe. But what about those times when you "skip" certain parts of the growth process? As I stated in my "About me" section of my blog, I am NOT a financial adviser nor do I have any professional training in the matter, but why don't I?
I started college just as I graduated from high school, but I never finished. I could give you all the reasons why I didn't but its a pretty mute point so I will refrain. However since I started getting out of debt I have began to realize what I am passionate about. I can talk about money until Im am blue in the face, and even after it turns yellow (which is kinda hard lol) because I love it. I love to talk about budgets, credit, real estate, saving, and all things related to finance. So what is stopping me from pursuing an education in finance you ask? Fear that's what....
Even as a young adult I was scared of going into debt for school, even though I went in to debt for what turned out to be much larger than a college education I still did it can you see the irony in that? Turns out NOT finishing college was one the most dumbest things I could do. But this post today isn't about beating myself up, its about "Growth". If I am going to reach my "Full" potential I MUST go back to school point blank. I have to admit its a frighting choice but if I want to grow and continue to help others Its something that should be done. Besides all that why not get paid for doing something I love right?
With that said, I am going to start college soon, but this time its going to be debt free. Originally I had intended to wait until all my debt was paid off but, there is no reason to put it off considering the amount I can spend on a few classes is the same amount I used to fund some of those trips I went on this past summer.
Here at Divine & Debt Free we encourage everyone, if you are holding back from doing something out of fear.... don't. As the word of God says "For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline". 2 Timothy 1:7 (New Living Translation)
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